Soiled and Seeded is an online garden magazine intent on expanding the conventional approach to gardens and the practice of gardening.
Exploring the varied collaboration between people and plants, we aim to cultivate a sensibility that strengthens our connection to the natural world.
Moving beyond the instructional guide, Soiled and Seeded provides a rich and eclectic source of ideas, learned practices, history and heritage; we dig deep to offer a refreshing and engaging take on garden culture.






Monday, July 8th

Soiled and Seeded's summer 2013 issue is in the works

Our ninth issue will be winging its way online soon, an ever voluminous mix of plants, people and the summer bounty.

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When Soil Science Becomes a Hit Single

What do Bicycles, Backyards, and Basil have in Common?


In China, the Leaves of Tea

Afghan Women Find Empowerment as Farmers

'Invisible Twinning'

Buried Treasure, Garlic is the Garden’s Willing Friend

Branching Out: Through the Limbs of Trees

In Celebration of Radishes

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